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Friday, August 2, 2019

千年古刹戒徳寺(一 )

千年古刹戒徳寺(一 )
(1) An Ancient Temple: Jie De Si (戒徳寺)

千年古刹戒徳寺,位于浙江省嵊州市千年古镇—崇仁镇西北 1 公里的凤凰山上,背靠雄伟的会稽山,面向风景秀丽、物产富饶的嵊西平原,东南与县邑相邻,北通绍兴市,西达诸暨市枫桥镇,杭绍台高速公路将从寺边通过,交通便利。
The ancient temple of Jie De Si (戒徳寺) is located one kilometre northwest of the historical Chongren Town (崇仁镇) in Shengzhou City (嵊州市) of Zhejiang province (浙江省), on top of Fenghuang (凤凰Phoenix) Mountain with its back against the majestic Huiji Mountain (会稽山). It faces the scenic and bountiful Shengxi plains (嵊西平原), neighbouring the county centre (县邑) on the southeast, connecting to Shaoxing City (绍兴市) on the north, and reaching Fengqiao Town (枫桥镇) of Zhuji City (诸暨市) on the east. The Hangshaotai Expressway (杭绍台高速公路) would pass by the temple, making it easily accessible.
戒徳寺有个美丽动人的传说。观世音菩萨去东海普陀山路径此地,看到形似凤凰展翅的小山,周围松参天,万木垂阴,翠竹袅袅,花香鸟语,绿荫缤纷,似乎进入世外桃源的境地。 观世音菩萨问善财童子:“此谓何地,如此妙哉?”。 童子答:“乃是斗牛星照耀下的浙江地界,会稽郡,剡县杏花邨是也。”于是歇了脚,忽然听见淙淙泉水声音,即饮了甘洌泉水。 后人为了纪念观世音菩萨,冠以美名“观音泉”。 观音泉长年不断徐徐外流,后来的僧人便在泉水汇集的山下,筑一口“和尚井”至今。随后,观世音菩萨见翠竹,用手一挥,变成紫光闪闪的紫竹,这就是至今叫的“观音竹”了。为了不忘此地,观音菩萨便深深地留下了自己的脚印。千百年来,人们代代相传。凤凰山有“观音脚印”的佳语。观音菩萨离去之前,感慨道:“此乃我佛圣地也!”。
Jie De Si has an enchanting legend. The Bodhisattva Guanshiyin (also known as “Guanyin”, or Avalokiteśvara) passed by this place while going to Putuo Mountain in the East China Sea. Seeing the small hill shaped like a phoenix spreading its wings, covered with towering pine trees and other trees with lush foliage providing shade, stretches of green bamboo, and fragrant flowers with singing birds among the luxuriant shades of greenery felt like entering paradise. Bodhisattva Guanshiyin asked Shancai (Sudhanakumāra), the boy attendant, “What place is this, to be so lovely?” The boy replied, “This is Xinghua Village (杏花邨) in Shan County (剡县), at the boundary between Zhejiang (浙江地界) and Huiji County (会稽郡), where the Big Dipper constellation (斗牛星) shines upon.” When they stopped to rest, they suddenly heard the sounds of bubbling spring water so they drank the sweet and pristine spring water. The spring was subsequently named “Guanyin Spring” in memory of the Bodhisattva. Guanyin Spring flows ceaselessly all year round, so monks later built a well called “Monks’ Well” – which still exists today – to collect the water that gathers at the foot of the mountain. Then, Bodhisattva Guanyin, with a wave of hand, transformed the lush green bamboo canes into a glittering purple colour. Till this day, the purple bamboo is still known as “Guanyin bamboo”. In order to commemorate this place, Bodhisattva Guanyin’s footprint was imprinted here. Thousands of years have passed since, but the saying that “Fenghuang Mountain has Guanyin’s footprint” continues to be passed down from generation to generation. Before departing, Bodhisattva Guanyin remarked, “This is no doubt a sacred Buddha land!”
佛法从西汉末年传入我国后,逐步由北方传播到江南。到了南朝 佛法从西汉末年传入我国后,逐步由北方传播到江南。到了南朝齐明二年间(公元 484),僧人和善男信女们根据凤凰山上有“观音脚印”,“观音泉”、“观音竹”的佳话,便在凤凰山的头部位置建了一佛寺院,号“光德院”更名为“戒德寺”。“戒德寺”一名,僧人们认为:“五戒、十善、四摄、六度”必须修持的戒律,才能真正成为佛子。这四律中,要从“五戒”修起,所以取“戒”字;“德”就是佛号,自性本具性德之总称,即“阿弥陀佛”,就选了“德”字。合并成为“戒德”一名,其含义十分深邃,体现佛的本意。从中不难可以看出,当时僧人具有佛学的渊博知识和高超造诣。
The Buddha Dharma reached China towards the end of the Western Han Dynasty, and gradually spread from the north of China to its south. In the second year of Qiming (齐明) in the Southern Dynasties (484 AD), based on the saying that Fenghuang Mountain has the “Bodhisattva Guanyin’s footprint”, “Guanyin Spring” and “Guanyin bamboo”, monks and devotees built a Buddhist temple atop the mountain. Initially called “Guang De Yuan” (光德院), it was later renamed “Jie De Si” (戒德寺). The meaning of “Jie De Si” is derived from Buddhist disciplinary training, which includes practising the Five Precepts (五戒), Ten Virtues (十善), Four Skilful Means (四摄) and Six Perfections (六度). Of these, keeping the Five Precepts (五戒) is the foundational practice, hence the word “Jie” () is chosen; “De” () meaning “essential nature” is a reference to the inherent Buddha nature in each of us, that is “Amitabha”, hence it is also selected. Together, they become “Jie De” (戒德), which has very deep and profound meaning, reflecting the Buddha’s original teaching. One can discern from this the superb knowledge and understanding of Buddhism the monks at that time possessed.
Ji De Si is seated in the north facing south, and has three layers from the front to the back. Entering thrice, one sees Tianwang Hall (天王殿), Daxiong Hall (大雄宝殿), Dabei Court (大悲阁), with smaller rooms on both sides. Dabei Court has two floors. The first houses the Thousand-armed Guanyin, whereas the upper floor houses the Guanyin bestowing children. Tianwang Hall houses the Four Heavenly Kings, as well as Bodhisattva Mi Le (Maitreya) in the south and Bodhisattva Wei Tuo is in the north. Daxiong Hall houses the Ru Lai Buddha (如来佛). Two of the smaller rooms house the 18 Arhats. On the west side of the mountain gate are statues of gods such as Qielan( 伽蓝), Tudi (土地), Three-Eyed Emperor (三眼大帝), Wen Da Xian (瘟大仙), etc. The whole monastery occupies approximately 7,000 square (metres?) and is surrounded by boundary wall on its four sides. It is embraced by green bamboo and fruit trees such as peaches, prunes, apricots, plums, etc., hence greenery abounds in all four seasons. To the left of the temple is a lotus pond, while to the right, there is a pond for liberating animals.
戒德寺兴盛时常住僧人有三百多人,寺内香火旺盛,沉香紫烟,烛光熠熠相绕;钟声馨声、松竹声处处相应,一派佛圣地繁荣景象。 原有面积 300 亩苗产。于是戒德寺名声远扬,高僧不断来此云游、传、闻法、修身。寺内佛,菩萨造型逼真,金光闪闪。剧传,清朝时,连杭州灵隐寺大修时,四大天王座是从戒德寺套塑过去的。
At its peak, the temple accommodated about 300 monastics, with fragrant Agarwood incense burned endlessly, giving off its purple smoke, while candle lights flickered all around; the sounds of bells and the rustling of the pines and bamboo leaves formed a harmonious symphony, the scene of a flourishing Buddhist sacred land. The original area was 300 mu. Hence, the fame of Jie De Si spread far and wide, attracting many accomplished monastics to visit, to give or receive Dharma teachings, or to meditate here. Within the temple, the lifelike statues of Buddha and Bodhisattvas glittered like gold. It is said that during the Qing dynasty, when the Lingyin Temple (灵隐寺) in Hangzhou was undergoing major reconstruction, the thrones of the Four Heavenly Kings were cast using those in Jie De Si.
戒德寺地处崇仁镇,历史久远,三国时期便有人生息繁衍,在村 戒德寺地处崇仁镇,历史久远,三国时期便有人生息繁衍,在村口筑有一方水井,名曰“上方井”,井边树一块“赤乌二年”石碑。“赤乌二年”是当时三国孙权东吴年号,石碑至今还镶嵌在井的石壁中,这是历史文物的佐证。剧《裘氏宗普》记载宋时剡县县令高似荪撰的《剡录》一书中有记载。
Jie De Si is situated in Chongren Town that has a very long history. The town was populated since the time of the Three Kingdoms. At the entrance to the village is an old well called “Upper Well” (上方井), with a stone plaque inscribed with “Chi Wu Second Year” (赤乌二年) on its side. The inscription refers to the second year of Sun Quan’s reign over Eastern Wu during the time of the Three Kingdoms. The stone plaque is still set on the well’s wall today, serving as a piece of historical evidence. According to the Genealogical Records of the Qiu Clan (《裘氏宗普》), during the Song dynasty, the magistrate of Shan county, Gao Shisun (高似荪) recorded this into the county register called the Shan Records (《剡录》).
Under the Fenghuang Mountain are a few small villages. Apricot trees grow abundantly here, producing big, juicy apricots, and many places have access to the sweet, pure spring water, so the villagers use the spring water to ferment wine. All around this area, one sees banners fluttering in the air, announcing stores selling Apricot Yellow Wine. This place is thus called “Xinghua (Apricot Flower) Village” (杏花邨).

After the Southern Song dynasty, the honest and simple ways of the villagers who steadfastly upheld benevolence and justice, and who made farming and studying their family and personal creed, gradually resulted in the fertile land of Chongren producing offspring who were even more productive, prosperous and outstanding. This auspicious land produced many generations of illustrious historical figures, including: the Song dynasty great master, Yao Ming; the scholar who was placed thirteenth in the imperial examination in the thirtieth year of Jiajing (嘉靖) reign in the Ming dynasty, and who subsequently held the position of Imperial Court Official overseeing Guangxi (广西道御史), Qiu Shilian (裘仕廉); the hero of the 1911 Revolution, Commander of Zhenhai Fort, Lieutenant General Zhang Boqi, etc., were all from Chongren region.
三十年代裘广贤等人借戒德寺的风水宝地,三办女子越剧科班,为发展越剧积下了无功德。越剧名伶筱丹桂、裘大官等在戒德寺学过戏:越剧“十姐妹”中袁雪芬、傅全香等艺术家不忘戒德寺恩惠,在八十年曾筹划建立越剧纪念馆,可以说,越剧发祥地崇仁戒德寺是其中之一。大陆易帜后,六十五年来,从崇仁走出去的在文史、科技、教育、卫生、水利等方面,具有高级职称贤达有 300 多人,尤其享受国务院特殊津贴的教授、学者、专家有 19 人。副部长级干部 2 人,各类人才遍及祖国各个领域。崇仁这个佛的圣地,祥光照耀,恩典哺育的因果之一。
In the 1930s, Qiu Guangxian (裘广贤) and others, borrowing Jie De Si’s auspicious geographical location, thrice organised a Yue opera training programme for women, which lay the foundation for Yue opera development. Famous Yue opera stars, Xiao Dangui (筱丹桂), Qiu Daguan (裘大官), etc., all learned Yue opera at Jie De Si; among Yue opera’s “Ten Sisters”, Yuan Xuefen (袁雪芬), Fu Quanxiang (傅全香) and other artistes, etc., did not forget their gratitude to Jie De Si, and had planned to establish a “Yue Opera Museum” in 1980. It can be said that Jie De Si of Chongren is one of the cradles of Yue Opera. After the Revolution, for 65 years, those from Chongren who distinguished themselves by attaining high-ranking positions in fields such as literature, history, science and technology, education, health, irrigation, etc., exceeded more than 300 persons. In particular, there are a total of 19 professors, scholars, or experts enjoying special allowances from the State Council. Moreover, there are two Vice-Ministers, plus various talents scattered throughout the country in different sectors. Chongren, as the sacred land of the Buddha, is blessed with auspicious light beaming on it, consequently raising such worthy descendants.

崇仁一带崇文尚学人脉靓丽,于臻百福集千祥一地矣! 随着朝代的更迭、战争、自然灾害、饥荒诸多原因,戒德寺也历了从诞生——辉煌——衰落的过程。 善男信女们凭着对佛的虔诚信仰,几修缮、修建,最后一次大 善男信女们凭着对佛的虔诚信仰,几修缮、修建,最后一次大规模修建是在清末、民国初年,由裘氏江十三公派下生家立轩领头进行的。
The region of Chongren appreciates literacy and scholarship, producing heirs of excellent qualities, gathering countless blessings in one rare piece of land! Due to changes in dynasties, wars, natural disasters, famines and various reasons, Jie De Si also experienced the process of birth – glory – decline. Devotees with sincere faith in the Buddha renovated and rebuilt the temple a few times, with the last major reconstruction taking place during the end of the Qing dynasty and the beginning of the republic. This was led by the Jiang Shisan Gong (江十三公) branch of the Qiu clan (裘氏) who assigned a progeny, Lixuan of the Tai family (泰家立轩), to oversee it.
但因寺产土改,殿宇在文革期间毁于一旦,留下断墙残垣的遗址。戒德寺有一根石柱,(有人说石碑)上镌刻“赤乌十三年”的字样。 六十年代大办农业开垦遗址变为茶山时,曾掘起高僧坐圆寂缸一个,青陶器缸的外表有荷花、兰花等图案,中间镌刻有“传曹洞正宗第三十世,重兴戒德寺,第一代三座道场箭锋智真禅师”的文字。
However, arising from changes to the regulations of temple lands, the temple was destroyed overnight during the Cultural Revolution, leaving only broken tiles and shattered walls on its ruins. Jie De Si has a stone pillar (some said it is a stone plaque) engraved with “Chi Wu Thirteenth Year” (赤乌十三年) on it. During the 1960s, when agricultural development on ancient ruins was emphasized, the temple grounds were converted into tea plantations and the mummified body of an old monk meditating in a porcelain barrel was unearthed. The porcelain barrel had designs of lotus flowers and orchids on its exterior, and an inscription was engraved in the middle: “The Thirtieth Master of the authentic Caodong lineage (曹洞正宗), who revitalised Jie De Si, the first generation of the three dharma fields (第一代三座道场), Jianfeng Zhizhen Zen Master (箭锋智真禅师)”.
这两件珍贵的文物于村民之中。从中不难看到:戒德寺历史悠久,属于曹洞宗佛教寺院的事实。 戒德寺奉供、朝拜“观世音菩萨”。观音菩萨是民间影响最大信众最多,救苦救难的大菩萨,不论贵贱贤愚,男女老幼,在危难无望之际,只要称念观世音菩萨的名号,都能得到菩萨法力的救助,朝拜祈福,福禄呈祥,平安无恙,满足愿望。为发扬观音菩萨“无缘大悲,同体大悲”的精神,请转法轮,请佛住世,正法久住,世界和平,消灭灾难,风调雨顺,国泰民安,小康社会,共荣共繁。
These two precious artefacts are safeguarded by the villagers. It is not difficult to see: Jie De Si has a long history, belongs to the Caodong Buddhist lineage, and pays homage to the Bodhisattva Guanyin. Bodhisattva Guanyin is the most influential and most popular among the common people, who answers their calls for help in all kinds of difficulty and suffering, without discrimination to their wealth, status, merit, education, gender, or age. When one experiences a crisis or hopelessness, just by reciting the name of Bodhisattva Guanyin, one will receive the requisite assistance. By paying homage and praying to Bodhisattva Guanyin, one will receive blessings, good fortune, safety without harm, and see one’s wishes fulfilled. To spread the Bodhisattva Guanyin’s spirit of “unconditional compassion, empathic compassion” (无缘大悲,同体大悲), please turn the Dharma wheel and pray that the Buddha stays and the true Buddha Dharma lasts forever; that world peace prevails with all natural calamities averted; that predictable global climate ensues with good weather; and that national stability, societal prosperity and personal abundance be enjoyed by everyone.

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